Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Hello,quick updates on my blog.
Watched Star-Search Live in the studio on Tuesday.
And it was great,totally enjoyed myself.
Anyway,it's our first time going for Star-Search.
The studio is somehow,blank.Not many audience though.
Don't really support any of the contestants .
We don't even know their name,and thus we have difficulties finding a seat.
Because each colum is labeled by the contestants name.
So our final decision is to be seating at Haoyi's supporter area.
They wanted us to shift to other places.
Only if the seat is not taken up,then we will be able to move to the front.
Hahaha,but we lied saying the tickets was given by haoyi.
And the backstage crew was like '' Sure or not ? Must shout later alright ? ''
But we totally didn't shout at all.
Others was like totally madness,was blowing whistle,screaming and shouting,waving posters.
I am so lucky to be sitting in the first two rows,saw us appearing on the tv many times.
Anyway,there's one guy sitting beside me.
I didn't know he's a mental illness patient until someone told me to be careful of him.
And he went totally crazy shouting during the performance,and i was totally freaked out.
I nearly scolded '' Hey you ass,shut up.Do you know you're annoying? ''
Didn't wait for them in the reception area,there's lots of reporters on that day.
So i decided not to take pictures with them,since i am going again next time after End Of Year.
Talking about End of Year Examination,it's just around the corner.
Tomorrow will be my English and Mother Tounge Paper One.
And i am just so glad that my CA2 result for English had increased to 63marks. Was really Satisfied,it motivates me to score even better for my End Of Year. :D
Today's PE lesson was exhausting,disappointed in myself.
Beep test results was atrocious.
Level 8 Lap 7 DEPROVED to Level 8 Lap 3.
It's not the results i am expecting,i wanted to go for Level 9 Lap 2.
But sadly,it's raining heavily in the morning.
So instead of having Beep Test in the basketball court,we're having it in the hall. I didn't break my own personal record but i will make sure i improved next time.
Everything does not always went smoothly in life,there's always ups and downs.
Having to looked through Secondary One Class Photos,i think that everyone had changed.
Interms of appearance,hairstyles,etc.
Really hope that we will spent the last few weeks happily and not quarelling.
As you know,we're definitely going to be seperated by different classes next year.
Do treasure the times we had now,before it's to late to regret.
Alright,i am going to mug for my Exams.
I am going to strive all the way.
Maths is atleast a B3,no more failing.
I am going to get into top 5 again,and get my scholarship award like last year.
Take care people,all the way for End Of Year.

Before the show.

After the show.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
In less than three weeks time,we're going to have our End Of Year.
And i haven't started mugging yet for Examination.
There's lots of Class Tests for the past few days.
Last week,i had Maths and Science,English Oral in the afternoon.
This week,i will be having my English Summary,Maths & Mother Tounge.
But no matter what,just a little more and i got to PUSH MYSELF.
While,I am quite confident for my Maths Mock Exam today.
Just somehow,flunk the statistic section.
But,i am going to learn from my mistake and work even harder in End Of Year.
English Oral was alright,i always did pretty well for Oral since Primary School.
Managed to give a personal response to the theme.
So i really hope i can score well in the conversation part.
Reading Aloud,and Picture Conversation will be done online.
Haven't had any instructions yet. ):
Yesterday had visited Pulah Semekau.
It's Singapore only landfill and started since April 1999.
It didn't seem to be like landfill,with dirty garbage etc.
But,it look somehow like a intergrated resort.
The Landfill was a clean and green environment.
Do I sounded sarcastic? Maybe you all should really go and visit the place.
And,it's like they didn't managed to get any electricity from the mainland.
They used solar energy and turbine to generate their own electricity.
The landfill will be filled up by the year 2045?
And the only way we can stretch further is to have the 3 'r's ,REUSE,RECYCLE,REDUCE.
Lots of interesting stuffs that we had explored.
It took us like,half an hour to travel from school to Marina South.
And from Marina South we took ferry for 40minutes to reach the island.
It was a long and exhausting journey.
Everyone was slumberous.
And i am so glad that we do not need to pay for the trip.
Because the school subsidise everything. :D
It costs like,$1300 for both classes? Big sum of money.






We throw stones and big rocks to the water.Here's the envidence,see the small black crystal ?
The sea was beautiful.To ZXXXYXXX:
Even though we're the same 40KG.
You're short,that's why you're underweight.
I am tall,that's why i am severely underweight.
That dosen't mean TALL is not good,because we tend to see things in different angles compared to SHORT people.
And we have been able to reach things that is high easily.
Weight and Height,what's the link? There's nothing related to it!
Only if you're tall,you need more weight.As SIMPLE as that.
If TALL is bad,then SHORT is SUPER-BAD ? Is this the message you're trying to convey to me?Your words are just like giving me a slap on my face.I think you better think before you speak.
Just keep quiet,no one will think you're deaf.Don't worry.
It's just a misunderstanding.
Aaron is late,and you're just laughing and suan-ing him when he is walking to the hall.
Like so what?Big deal?
So i just said don't care about you,because is none of our business!
And you came,and thought i am saying some bad things behind your back.
And wanted me to get out of the hall.
Fuckkkkkkk,what the hell i did. & i tell you,i WILL NEVER leave the hall.
I think you should be the one leaving,not ME.
Oh please,you don't even know what's happening.
And all your arguements and rebuttals you gave is just so out of the world.
I can embarrassed you more.
Dosen't mean i didn't argue,fight back with you means i am good to bully.
Seriously,it's just the basic respect i am showing to you since you're the Department Heads.
What are CME lessons for?
And shouldn't department heads showing us good example all the time?
I tried to communicate with you,but you don't give a damnsht.
And i warned you,don't ever give me that fucking face anymore.
Even KARINA never give me that KA-NI-NA face,And this time round,i will be scolding you in my blog.I am just giving you face.Next time,i will be scolding you in school.And why do you always quarrel with minor things?Always wanted to be the champion of everything,never want to lose because you don't learn from mistakes.That's why you're such a failure!I always said to myself '' Made mistakes,is ok.Because i am on my way to Success. ''You're the worst Department Heads i have ever encountered so far,seriously.I thought Stephanie Soh will took over,but it was such a disappointment.And i really suggest you just shutup.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Outing at Bishan Park (: - 9 september [sunday]
Alright,Sunday was great.
Atually,i didn't want to go for the outing because i slept late on saturday,
and was somnolent in the morning and just wanted to lie on my bed.
But still,I dragged myself up,prepare and headed to Bishan Park. (:
Fortunately,i am in Group 2,together with Meixuan and Hweemay.
First station : Minesweeper.
Me and Hweemay guided Meixuan,who is blindfolded.
To only pick up straws without touching the bottles.
We shouted like crazy,because there's other people guiding their members as well.
So meixuan got to really concentrate,and recognise our voice.
'' Right,left,touch the grass,bend down,move your hand to your right! '' Haha. (:
Next station,both of our legs was being tied up with our partner.
And our task is that we need to cross over the rope for 10times.
It makes it even harder,as our legs are suppose to rise together,and land together.
Can you imagine,is so difficult and whatmore the glaring sun is shinning at us.
But it's teamwork and co-operation that we need to have,isn't it?
The third station,to tie rubber bands together in a row.
And jump 7times continuously,it's hard whereby there's a total of 12people in a group.
All the members are suppose to jump together at the same time.
There's a number of people who suck at skipping/jumping.
We failed many times,other groups had proceeded to the next station but we're still stucked.
But it's perseverance that enables us to complete the station.
And i realised it's the same thing happened in sec 2 camp.
Nothing is impossible if we don't try,but it's not easy yo!
Fourth station,to put the string through the needle.
The hole is super small,and that's when the girls started helping out.
Because they're good at all this.
You know,girls do cooking,sewing,chores,etc.HAHAHA!
Last station,sweets in plates of flour.
To blow the flour,and use your mouth instead of your hands to pick up the sweets.
It's super disgusting alright,i had tried that in prefect camp during June
I don't care,so i just use my hand to take the sweets. (:
Soon,singing session,debrief and lunch.
I washed my hands using the rest of the water i had in my waterbottle,
and junhao came and wash his hands too. -.- LOL.
Had such a great chat with valerie! :D
Soon after,Home Sweet Home.
Last but not least,
need to thank the planning commitee who had made today's outing successful.
So many exams coming on my way,
and end of yr is like less than 3 weeks to arrived.
Going to mug like crazy.
Tomorrow have Science Class Tests and English Oral.
And i pray so hard that i don't fail my Maths Class Tests today!
And everything goes to god yeah?
Pleasepleaseplease. =(
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
It's September Holidays now.
Haven't been studying,but enjoying myself during this short period of holidays.
End Of Year is arriving very soon,going to mug hard though.
Anyway,went AMK HUB fairprice x-tra today.
You know,we went to the cashier and she wants us to pay for Plastic Bags.
We totally forget that today is wednesday,which is recycle day or something.
And we must bring our own carrier or we need to pay for the plastic bags.
She went asking all her costomers,as if the money will goes to her.
And we donated 5cents instead of 20cents.
Who cares? :D
I should have go to the other counter,
because they just give the plastic bags for free.
Other cashiers they don't even care for goodness sake.
The aunty sucks totally,sickening. -.-
Anyway,i had just passed by my Sister Nitendo DS and played a game called 'cooking mama'
And i totally enjoyed myself!
I know is somehow,childish.But when you're bored,you will do silly things like that.
Oh man,nowadays gameboy are so advance.
I never touched any Gameboy when i was in Secondary School ( i think? )
Kids are now so blessful where they have these things to keep them occupied.Hahah.
But eventually they will get addicted to it.

A: Loves to flirt but in a way of joking
B:Popular with all types of people.
C: weird
D: Has one of the best personalities ever
E: Freaking beautiful
F: People wild and crazy adore you.
G: Never let people tell you what to do.
H: Easy to fall in love with
J: Freaking Rowdy
K: Really silly.
L: best smile
M: Makes dating fun
N: One of the best damn bf/gf anyone could ask for
O: Loved by everyone
P: Popular with all types of people.
Q: A hypocrite.
R: Good Gf/Bf
S: the best person anyone could have
T: great kisser
U: Gets hugs
V: Not judgmental
W: Very broad minded.
X: Never let people tell you what to do.
Y: Is a freak when it comes to parties
Z: Lives life for fun
J: Freaking Rowdy
A: Loves to flirt but in a way of joking
H: Easy to fall in love with
A: Loves to flirt but in a way of joking
O: Loved by everyone
Quiz From :KennethLeong
Name 20 people and answer the questions below.
After which, tag 10 people to do this quiz.
Totally in a randomed order.
1.How do i meet no.14?
Shima ; Through Prefectorial Board.
2. What would you do if you had never met no.1
Rachel ; I would never had a great partner to work with when covering events.
3. What would you do if 20 and 9 dated you?
Benjamin ; Alfred ; Sorry,it's impossible.We're not gays.
4.Would 6 & 17 make a good couple?
Apple ; Milly ; Definitely.
5. Describe no.3
Amelia ; Sweet,cheerful,brilliant,vein and resplendent.
6.Do you think no.8 is attractive?
GeraldineChua ; Yes.Sure she is.
7.Tell me something about no.9
KennethLeong ; Confident,Respectable leader,Sportive,Frolicsome.
8.Do you know anything about no.12's family?
Luying ; She's the one and only daughter.
9. What is no.10's favourite?
Jiaxin ; She loves to dance.
10. What would you do if no.11 confesses to you that he/she likes you?
Liyin ; I don't love her,i like her.We're just good friends since we knew each other for 10years.
11.What language does no.15 speaks?
NathanielTan ; Both English and Mandarine.But i think he speaks English more often.
12. Who is no.18 going out with?
Meixuan ; She's single.Unavailable.
13. What is your relationship with no.16 and how old is he/she now?
Joanna ; Primary School Mates. She's 14,Singapore Chinese Girls' School.
14.When was the last time u talked to no.13?
Shariel ; A few days ago in Msn.
15.Who is no.2's favourite sinqer?
Taiyang ; JayChou!
16. Would you date no.4?
Karina ; She's already my retarded partner.
17. Would you date no.14?
Shima ; Yesyes,definitely.I love my senior!
18. Is no.15 single?
NathanielTan ; Yes,i think.
19.What's no.10's last name?
Rebecca ; Last name? RebeccaYap.
20.Would you ever consider being in a relationship with no.9?
Benjamin ; No.We're just Good Friends.
21. What school does 3 goes to?
Amelia ; Serangoon Secondary.
22. Where does no.4 lives?
Karina ; No idea.
23. What's your favourite thing about no.6?
Apple ; She's always cheerful,always carry a blithe smile on her face.
24. What do you think of no.13?
Shariel ; She's smart asses.
25. What do no.3 and no.20 have in common?
Amelia ; Alfred ; They are good looking and always have moodswings.
26. What special qualities does no.17 hold in your life?
Jmo ; Motivate me to be a better person,to stay positive.And to be confident with high self-esteem.
Quiz From :MeiQi
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Teacher's Day Celebration in school yesterday.
I am sure the concert was a successful one.
Thankyou those who had contribute in a way or another.
Weeks of rehearsals had finally paid off.
I love the last segment,'Wonderful World' finale.
We had fun raising the Props and playing at the backstage yeah?
After the concert,went back to class to get back our report card.
And pass some gifts to teachers in the staff room.
Met alot of ex-students,and HELLO seniors. :D
Didn't went back to Xinghua Primary as it was still early.
And all of us are only allowed to enter from 1.45pm-3.45pm.
I miss all the xinghua-rians.
Had Family-Gathering,and tried donuts from 'The Donut Factory'.
And oh,it was delectable.
Thankyou Miss How which had tolerated us for the past few weeks.
I know we are a tumultuous class,
but we do appreciate what you had done for us.
Now,it's time to say goodbye.
It's your last day yesterday and don't worry.
I will work hard in Maths,and to score better.
Mug hard for End Of Year.
All the way,don't hate Maths anymore!
Make friends with Maths.
It's your last shot,do it once and do it perfectly.
JiaHao,you can do it!

Miss How.
Miss Jasmine Lee.

I love donutsssss. :D